Missions and Outreach

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

At Pound River Church we believe we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  We are the body of Christ and as such, we should do the works that Christ has instructed us to do.  The scriptures teach us that faith without works is dead.  Good works are a sign that our faith is real and living.  We do not believe our works save us, but we do believe we have been saved unto good works.

With that truth in mind, we actively pursue ways to serve one another, our community, and the entire world.  We want to show our love by our actions, not just with our words.  The desire of our mission’s team is to reach out to those in need, in tangible ways, and show them the love of Christ.

Below are some ways that you can be a part of the work:

US Disaster Relief - We partner with Samaritans Purse for US Disaster Relief.  Click here for more information on the US Disaster relief ministry and to see the current volunteer opportunities available


Join our Member Care Team – The member care team volunteers to help provide services needed to church members.  It may be helping cook meals, help with home maintenance/repair, or take people to appointments.  There are lots of opportunities available.  Visit the “Member Care” page on this website to learn more.

Two Coats Ministry – Two Coats Ministry is a ministry of Pound River Church that helps provide free clothing and goods to those in need.  Visit the “Two Coats Ministry” page on this website to learn more.

If you are interested in being a part of our missions & outreach team, please complete the form below and we will be in touch soon.
Which teams are you interested in becoming a part of:
 US Disaster Relief Team – Samaritans Purse
 Member Care Team
 Two Coats Ministry

Become a member of one of the teams

Let us know which team would like to join.